Tales Of Graces F English Voice Files
Jan 06, 2013 What is the latest number of Tales of Graces Wii Translation. Elitebook 8440p pci serial port driver. Tales of Graces Wii English Patch. If you want bad voice.

The complete English Patch of the game is halted, due to the official localisation of the game (Tales of Graces f), as you can see here:; - The partial Menu Patch () was stopped because the English Patch above was in the work, and also because the PS3 game was released; - A Spanish team is working currently on a complete patch in Spanish, but it is mostly on the piracy side. Compusoft winner kitchen design software. If you have a PS3, just buy the game and support Namco for future localizations of the Tales series. That's all I can say.

Tales Of Graces F Ebay
Maybe someone will eventually move the English text from the English PS3 cpk file to the JPN Wii cpk file? Something similar did happen with YS 6 and Akumajo Dracula Chi no Rondo (PC Engine Castlevania) So it's definitely possible (google for PS ToG Undub to get the tools to open the cpk file, and the menu patch was pulled off with just hex-editing). I don't understand how the Spanish patch is more 'illegal' than regular (not the above) fan-translations; They are going for a re-translation plus dual language, NOT using the PS3 localization script.