Red Alert 3 Install Language Pack Error
Red Alert 3 Install Problem
Red Alert 3 Install Code
Im looking for more full game translations, so its time to create a small tutorial about: how to create a language pack?! Free download lockdir full version with crack. In the attached you can find the following files: ingstr12.exe -> Ingame Strings editor, this file is needed to edit the red alert string tables (conquer.eng and editor.eng) conquer.eng -> main game string table, contains all unit names, menu text etc etc. Editor.eng -> edwin map editor string table mission.ini -> contains all mission briefings tutorial.ini -> contains all text triggers ra-clean-cam -> textless pictures for all units WOLAPI.MIX -> emtpy.mix file in the correct ra format - After you are done editing all text in the.ini and.eng files you will need to download a program to convert and add your files to the WOLAPI.MIX -> After installing fire up the mixer, browse in the left explorer to the place where you saved the done.png unit picture and in the right explorer choose your target folder. Now right click on your.png files and click on 'convert as SHP'. Make sure you dont choose SHP (TS) and you dont have any mix file open in the right explorer, else converting wont work Now browse to the wolapi.mix and open it, drag and drop all the converted.shp.ini.eng files from your windows explorer into the xcc mixer window where the wolapi.mix is loaded. Now copy the Wolapi.mix into your redalert folder, done. - The following language packs are already available: French German (censored) German (uncensored) Spanish Russian (partial done) Download links are below.