Shin Koihime Musou Otome Ryouran Sangokushi Engi Download

Shin Koihime † Musou Otome Ryouran ☆ San Goku Shi Engi
Shin Koihime Musou: Otome Taisen Sengokushi Engi is the PC version of an arcade game that was released just recently. As the name states, it's based off the Koihime Musou visual novel/anime series. This game is a 2 vs 2 fighting game where you play as one initial character and pick a partner assist character (a la Vanguard Princess). As to what the story is about the game, I don't know.
Does the game have netplay? Again, I don't know but I really hope so for I can get some online matches in. At any rate, the game was just released in some outlets so I've been scavenging around trying to find a torrent or download link of the game anywhere if someone had released it on the net but unfortunately, I'm turning up with no luck from websites, torrents, Winny, and Share. If anyone can find this game, I would really appreciate it if they can post it somewhere.:: Screenshots:.